Orange Hibiscus with double layers
Who is prettier? Flower, me or Yosifu?Discovered this beautiful double layer orange hibiscus opposite Yazi’s Japanese Grill 美浪居酒屋 in Donghe.
This is my second visit, still finds this chapel incredible. Not just the chapel but the whole building is so unexpected […]
Countdown to 2015
Went to Foodie Bar at ON Dining Kitchen to celebrate the last evening of 2014. Cocktails by Giancarlo Mancino, food […]
台東池上的手工豆皮工廠 經營項目主要為黃豆加工物 豆漿、豆皮、豆花 純手工製物的家庭式傳統小工廠 是台東唯一的一間豆皮工廠喔! 池上鄉大埔村4鄰大埔路39-2號 (089)862-392 The wood burner providing the steam to keep the soya milk hot. (老闆:曾勇龍) […]
Tea plantation in Long Tian, Luye 龍田鹿野的茶莊
廖太太和大兒子在自家的茶園,他們耕營22甲茶園地,還有茶廠。採了的茶葉必須馬上處理好,綠茶需要兩天,紅烏龍要三天時間。採後第一步驟是曬乾, 太大的太陽不行,沒有太陽也不行, 陰暗通風的地方繼續讓茶葉晾乾,每小時還要動一動它們。 用布條圈起來,烘乾,再捲起來,烘乾,很多次。 終於弄好了。可以包裝了。 現在開始喝茶了