I have been away for five weeks. The edible garden fortunately is still growing well, a little too well in some areas. The caretaker had not harvested the lettuces so they have grown too tall, about 50cm, too old to eat now.

The tomatoes are doing well though. Sweet tasting tomatoes and cherry tomatoes. The US seeds like green zebra, Brandy wine and Roma are still alive but not growing beyond the third leaves. The first mandarin from this tree, after 6 years. It was so sour I used it as replacement for lime for my Tom yam soup. The only longan big enough to eat. Sweet tasting but very little flesh.Have you ever seen white rosella? The usual varietal here is the ruby red ones. We grew white ones for a change this year.

The Chinese cabbage (結球白菜或大白菜)
is not doing well, the leaves showed signs of being someone’s favourite food. Tonight I discovered the culprit, a new type of snails in my garden, one without the shell. I later found out it is a close relative of snails called slug (蛞蝓). Here is an informative site on Slug in Chinese.

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